Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I Missed It!

I went back to brush up my AFTER ALICE script before mailing it off to the Austin Film Festival. I was happily reading along when WHAMO there it was... a typo. I felt physical pain.

This spring I had hoped to finish the script in time for the Nicholl. I knew placing was a long shot (like one to a zillion), but I thought it would be fun to give it a try anyway. Worst case scenario, I lose a few bucks. After getting off to a slow start, I gave up hope of submitting this year. I was a bit bummed about it, but kept on writing with my eye on 2008. All of the sudden it began rolling. I finish just in time for the 2007 Nicholl... one day before the deadline, to be exact.

Unfortunately, this left no time for it to sit a few weeks and then return to it with fresh eyes. I did the best I could to proof read it (but sometimes my eyes just auto-correct). I also had my sister read it over to look for errors. But, something was missed.

It isn't the end of the world, of course. Yet, I wanted it to be in the best shape it could be in when I sent it out. Too late now.


Tracy said...

I've had that happen. There's that strange little saying about nothing being perfect. Some days I believe it, but it's those Nicholls and Austin days that scare the crap out of me.

Don't sweat it.

annabel said...

Thanks, Tracy! :)

Patrick J. Rodio said...

I've stood in line at the post office, waiting to mail my script off, when I decide to flip through it as I wait, and then whammo - a fucking typo.

annabel said...

Ouch! That sucks, Patrick.