Monday, June 4, 2007

Austin, Austin, Austin

Last week I sent two scripts off to the Austin Film Festival. I hope to attend the festival this year. Among the panelists will be William Broyles Jr., Audrey Wells and Eric Roth. It will be very educational, no doubt. I am sure there will be many interesting people to meet at such a gathering as well. Yet, I always visualize myself as the girl sitting alone at the table in the corner. I never feel like I fit in. I tend to imagine people looking down their noses at me, if they look at all, wondering what I am doing there. Something of a Sanjaya, but without the great hair.

In any case, today I am beginning to work on a fourth rewrite of my last spec. We received some very interesting and helpful notes over the weekend and I look forward to implementing some of them.


Tracy said...

Hey, Annabel,

I'm planning on attending Austin this year as well. Hope to see you there.

ASA said...


Four words --

The Driskill Hotel Bar...

Simply hang out there when you can, you won't be disappointed.

annabel said...

Tracy, if I manage to get to Austin I will buy you a drink! :)

Matt, thanks for the tip!

Julie O'Hora said...

Silly girl. Austin will be the one place you DO fit in -- we're all writers. We don't fit anywhere else, but we fit there.

You'll see.

Look forward to finally meeting you!

annabel said...

Thanks, Julie! I am glad to hear you will be going. It will be great to finally meet you in person after chatting online for two years. :)

Fun Joel said...

Thanks! Both for the congrats, and for stopping by. I don't think I've seen your blog before, so an informal welcome to the scribosphere as well! :-) Hope to "see you" around!

annabel said...

Thanks, Joel! I have been reading and enjoying your blog for some time now. It is nice to "meet" you. :)