Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What's Up Next?

Though the current script is still a work in progress, I am beginning to think about what I plan to write next. There are a couple of ideas I have toyed with over the past few months. My partner also has some ideas that we have discussed pursuing.

My first script, After Alice, was a dramedy. I was nervous about the comedy aspect. With some help and encouragement from a girl who knows comedy I forged ahead. I ended up with a script that made those who read it laugh. I was funny! Who knew?

I was then approached by my partner to do a comedy. I was a little intimidated by the prospect, but with the little bit of confidence I had gained writing my last script I thought I should go for it. It was a blast. Writing comedy is fun! And whatever our script may or may not be, I think it is funny.

What is up next? I don't know yet. I am at a place where I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I am keeping my mind open to genres that I had not intended to try my hand at writing. Why not?


IQCrash said...

I'm tellin' ya, babe.

Gay Porn.


Instant money hats for us both.

Thomas Rufer said...

Don't think too much. Just write!